GATE Control Station is a free universal app for configuring, controlling, and connecting the GATE Ecosystem parts such as the TITAN and ASTER Electronic Trigger Units or the tactical computer STATUS. The app is compatible with Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS devices. To connect with the GATE Control Station App, use Blu-Link or USB-Link and the corresponding device. Check the list of compatible devices below. Remember TITAN II Bluetooth® & ASTER II Bluetooth® do not require Blu-Link or USB-Link.
Update the firmware and adjust the settings of your ETU at home, using the USB-Link or Blu-Link and the GATE Control Station app. It is compatible with all firmware editions of ASTER and TITAN.
Download GCS for Windows
Download GCS for macOS
GATE Control Station Beta
Enjoy a separate app for all testers and tech maniacs. You will find here new functions, settings, and layouts before we release them in the stable version. Have fun testing and share your feedback.
Download GCS Beta for Windows
Download GCS Beta for macOS
GATE Control Station Mobile App
Download the GATE Control Station app onto your Android or iOS device and enjoy full control over your TITAN, ASTER or the tactical computer STATUS on or off the field. To connect with the GATE Control Station App, use Blu-Link or USB-Link and the corresponding device. Check the list of compatible devices below.
Download GCS App for Android
Download GCS App for iOS
Please note that due to Apple OTG policy GCS iOS App is not compatible with USB-Link. You can use it with the Blu-Link dongle.
To connect the tactical computer STATUS with iOS or Android devices, it is necessary to use Blu-Link.
Acting as your own tactical control panel, GCS allows you to:
- Simply adjust GATE device settings (TITAN, ASTER, STATUS, Blu-Link, and other GATE products)
- Manage connection with GATE dongles (Blu-Link, USB-Link)
- See Statistics
- Display telemetry data
- Perform diagnostics and send reports
Moreover, GATE Control Station gives you the option to:
- Update firmware
- Check options available for different GATE ETUs in the Preview Mode
- Contact the GATE support team
- Receive important messages about updates and new releases
The GCS App is designed to support ASTER, TITAN, STATUS, Blu-Link, USB-Link, and other GATE Ecosystem parts.